Arthur Coppie for State House

1234 Address Road

Macon, GA 99999

A Relentless Commitment to Keeping Us Safe

A Relentless Commitment to Keeping Us Safe

Sarah Japour for District Attorney

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Meet Sarah

Gov. Kemp swearing Sarah in as the first West Georgia Judicial Circuit District Attorney.

District Attorney Sarah Japour is a career prosecutor who has spent 24 years serving the people of West Georgia.

Prior to becoming District Attorney for the newly created West Georgia Judicial Circuit, Sarah served as the Deputy Chief Assistant District Attorney for the Tallapoosa Circuit. Prior to that, she spent 20 years as an Assistant District Attorney in the Coweta Judicial Circuit.


During her career, Sarah has handled hundreds of cases, including many complex cases against some of the worst in our society. She has secured guilty verdicts against murderers, child predators, rapists, kidnappers, drug dealers, and armed robbers.


She previously served as Chairman of the Child Abuse Protocol Committee and as Chairman for the Child Fatality Review Committee for both Carroll and Heard Counties.


Sarah has been married to her husband, Justin Japour, for 21 years. They are the proud parents of two children.

Every day, and in every case, I have been driven by a relentless commitment to seeking the truth, following the law, and securing justice while serving with the utmost integrity.”

- Sarah Japour

Sarah's Priorities

Keep West Georgia Families Safe

Faithfully Follow the Law and Constitution

Pursue the Truth, Treat People Fairly, and Serve with Integrity

Deliver Justice for Victims and Their Families

Put Violent Criminals Behind Bars Where They Belong

Serve as a Good Steward of Taxpayer Dollars 

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